Challenge Yourself by Playing Blackjack Mobile Games

All Jackpots mobile casino has seven variations of blackjack mobile games.  Many PC casinos have upwards of 40 variations of blackjack.  The difference between mobile and PC casinos is that the game developers have to format their mobile games for several mobile platforms and for the thousands of mobile devices that use those platforms. The number of games offered on mobile casinos in all categories grows every month.

The Basics of Blackjack

The two most important rules in blackjack are that players play their cards first and if a player busts he loses automatically, even if dealer busts later on.  This means that players must decide whether to hit or stand when a 10-point card or less can cause them to bust and lose a winnable hand.

Some Blackjack Nuances All Players Should Learn

There are a few other basic elements that apply to all blackjack mobile games.   Every player should learn these blackjack game elements well.  Within these general parameters are nuances which may or may not apply to the seven variations of mobile blackjack offered at All Jackpots mobile, but do apply in one or more of the 40 or so blackjack variations available on All Jackpots casino for PC.  In all cases, carefully read the rules of any blackjack variation you wish to play whether at All Jackpots mobile or the PC casino.  Also, if you want to try out a version that you’re not familiar with, you can play it in practice mode before playing for real money.

  • After the player has received her first two cards, she may double down with them.  Doubling down means that the player doubles her bet and takes only one card.  This simple rule is absolutely important!  This strategy is good when dealer shows a card that will result in a lower total than the player’s total if both she and the dealer get a 10-count card.  The player gets only one card but dealer continues playing until she get 17-21 or busts.  So players have to feel that doubling down is very good strategy.  For example, if the player shows a seven and the player has 9 points, doubling down guarantees a win if both the player and the dealer get a 10-point card.  There are variations that restrict doubling down.
  • If the player wishes to do so, he may split cards of the same number count.  After splitting, the player doubles his bet and continues playing both hands as he sees fit.  This is also good strategy depending on what the dealer is showing.  For example, if dealer is showing a six, there is a good chance that she will bust.  So, in such a case, it is generally good strategy to split.  Some variations allow up to four splits and some allow only two.  Some variations allow splitting different picture cards because they are both 10-count cards and some variations don’t allow such card splitting.
  • In some blackjack variations, the player can double down after splitting.  By splitting the player creates two hands but the hands now have only one card so dealer gives the player a second card for each hand.  Obviously, the second card may give the player a point count strategically good for doubling down.  So, in some variations the player can now double down and in some he can’t.
  • In many variations of blackjack the player can buy “insurance” when the dealer is showing an ace.  Insurance is designed to protect you in case the dealer has blackjack.  To buy insurance you make an insurance bet equal to half of your original bet.  If dealer does have blackjack, you win 2-1 on your insurance bet and lose your original bet.  Thus, if you buy insurance and dealer has blackjack, you break even.  If the dealer does not have blackjack, you lose your insurance bet and the hand continues normally.  Insurance is considered a very poor bet by all analysts so avoid taking it!
  • In some variations dealer stands on all card counts of 17 and above but in other variations the dealer hits on soft 17, a point count of 17 where the ace is counted as 11.
  • In some variations players are allowed to surrender.  You do so when you feel quite certain that you have a losing hand.  For example, if you have a hard 15 or 16 and dealer has 7 to ace, surrender may be a good strategy.  You surrender half your original bet.
  • Online blackjack may use one deck but some games use as many as eight decks.  Card counting is never easy but it is especially hard in online blackjack.

Microgaming’s Gold Series

All Jackpots offers blackjack mobile games in the Gold Series.  The Gold Series was developed by Microgaming with enhanced graphics.   When Microgaming designed the Gold Series of games, All Jackpots talked about replacing the older versions with the graphically enhanced newer versions.  However, online gamers are a sentimental breed and many prefer playing the older versions of the same variation of blackjack, so All Jackpots retains the original version as well as the Gold Series version.   Mobile blackjack in the Gold Series truly is great graphically; the improvements show up even more on mobile than on a PC screen!

Using Strategy Cards

All Jackpots offers a strategy card for each of its blackjack mobile games.  There are many online sites with complex strategy cards for every blackjack game, whether blackjack for mobile or for PC.  Some players use these strategy cards religiously and claim to be able to reduce the house edge to near zero.   Other players say that the complex strategy cards take away from their enjoyment of the game.  These gamers rely on luck and common sense to win at mobile blackjack.